Thursday, July 15, 2010

cbc radio education comedy


  1. Hi Lorraine,
    My husband and I listened to this post and thought it was hilarious! What a great bit of comedy with a hint of reality. I liked that the line when they said that reading and writing and social skills have no place in the classroom. I hope we aren't on a slippery slope of only using technology but I definitely think that schools could do a better job of integrating technology into the classroom. I often wonder if places like China and Japan are way ahead of us in this area. Again, thanks for the comic relief during a very hectic 2 weeks of classes.

  2. Thanks Paula ...I do have a quirky sense of humour but I can also be pretty serious about education as you know. As a profession we work so hard for our kids. I don't want to work harder ...just improve how I do some of what I do.
